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International Secondary School in Zabrze

International Secondary School in Zabrze – International Secondary School in Zabrze is a secondary school entered in the register of educational institutions under the number I-106.9.2020. The rights of the public school and the positive recommendation of the Board of Education guarantee the implementation of the Polish core curriculum in line with the current regulations of the Ministry of National Education. At the same time, the British core curriculum is implemented, the elements of which are successively introduced into the weekly schedule of classes.

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Bilingual classes
Polish and British


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teaching methods

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Digital School is a program that has been implemented in our education system recently. Its assumption is hybrid education which uses elements of the traditional educational process and e-tools to work with the student.

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Education = Challenge


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International Certificates


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WELCOME TO International Secondary School IN ZABRZE

International Secondary School in Zabrze – International Secondary School in Zabrze is a secondary school entered in the register of educational institutions under the number III-25.2015. The rights of the public school and the positive recommendation of the Board of Education guarantee the implementation of the Polish core curriculum in line with the current regulations of the Ministry of National Education. At the same time, the British core curriculum is implemented, the elements of which are successively introduced into the weekly schedule of classes.


Zapraszamy do udziału w szóstej edycji Regionalnego Konkursu Piosenek Bożonarodzeniowych w języku angielskim KOLĘDOWANIE Z SZEKSPIREM Christmas Songs and Carols 2024

Koledowanie-z-Szekspirem-2024-1Pobierz Regionalny-Konkurs-Piosenek-Bozonarodzeniowych-Koledowanie-z-Szekspirem-ver2024-3Pobierz ...
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Już w sobotę, 5 października, odbędą się Targi Szkół Średnich w Courtyard by Marriott Katowice Centrum!

To wyjątkowa okazja, aby osobiście porozmawiać z uczniami, nauczycielami i przedstawicielami szkół z Katowic, Dąbrowy Górniczej, Zabrza, Tychów, Tarnowskich Gór, ...
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Dear All, We are extending

the application deadline for the London MUST SEE Language Workshop to 20.10.2023.As we mentioned earlier, those who declare their willingness ...
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Exceptional Staff, Amazing Personalities

who shape young minds with their passion and commitment, yesterday received distinctions from the President of Zabrze and awards from ...
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We solemnly began the 2023/2024 school year!

There are plenty of challenges ahead, but also many adventures together. We especially warmly welcome the students of the first ...
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To meet the challenges posed by innovative education of the 21st century, we introduce blended learning solutions by implementing the e-student program at the level of everyday educational activities. E-class is based not only on the use of the e-journal, but above all on the use of e-textbooks as part of the use of the latest solutions in the field of Information and Computer Technologies (ICT). Currently conducted studies illustrating the so-called The “teaching curve” place our national education system on the high 10th position in the world and the British system on the 6th position. The solutions we propose are the synergy of traditional teaching methods with the latest trends in education based on the use of ICT equipment.
london, parliament, england

Opłaty w Międzynarodowym Liceum Ogólnokształcącym w Zabrzu

  • WPISOWE – 1500 zł – opłata jednorazowa przeznaczona na zabezpieczenie miejsca i wyposażenie ucznia w Szkole.
  • CZESNE (płatne przez 12 miesięcy)


Language workshops in the UK and summer integration and language camps are the result of a combination of business and pleasure. During the school year, students in grades IV-VI will have the opportunity to verify their knowledge of history, culture and everyday life in Great Britain every year by participating in educational and language workshops organized by our school. All students, grades 1-6, do not have to part with the language adventure during the summer holidays.